Albania Agriculture and state : Reducing the vulnerability of Albania's agricultural systems to climate change : impact assessment and adaptation options / William R. Sutton [and others]
Albania Agriculture Environmental aspects : Reducing the vulnerability of Albania's agricultural systems to climate change : impact assessment and adaptation options / William R. Sutton [and others]
Albania Air quality Evaluation : The evaluation of air quality in Albania by moss biomonitoring and metals atmospheric deposition / Pranvera Lazo, Flora Qarri, Shaniko Allajbeu, Sonila Kane, Lirim Bekteshi, Marina Frontasyeva, Trajce Stafilov
Albania -- Antiquities. : Butrint 7 : Beyond Butrint: Kalivo, Mursi, Çuka E Aitoit, Diaporit and the Vrina Plain. Surveys and Excavations in the Pavllas River Valley, Albania, 1928-2015 / edited by David Hernandez and Richard Hodges
Albania Architecture : Current challenges in architecture and urbanism in Albania / Anna Yunitsyna, Artan Hysa, Edmond Manahasa, Fabio Naselli, Odeta Durmishi Manahasa, Sokol Dervishi, editors
Albânia Arma de fogo : From exchanging weapons for development to security sector reform in Albania : gaps and grey areas in weapon collection programmes assessed by local people / Geofrey Mugumya
Albania Boys Drama : Tomka dhe shoket e tij = Tomka and his friends / Kinostudioja "Shqiperia e re" paraqet = "New Albania" Film Studio presents ; reǵjisore, Xhanfize Keko = director : Xhanfise Keko ; drejtor filmi, Nikollaq Taja = producer : Nikollaq Taja
Albania Budget : Albania : fiscal transparency evaluation / Tim Irwin, Suzanne Flynn, Tom Josephs, Linda Spahia, and Rod O'Mahony
Albania -- Butrint -- Triconch Palace Site : Butrint 3 : excavations at the Triconch Palace / William Bowden and Richard Hodges ; with contributions by Ylli Cerova [and others]
Albania China Foreign relations : China and the EU in the Western Balkans : a zero-sum game? / Wouter Zweers, Vladimir Shopov, Frans-Paul van der Putten, Mirela Petkova & Maarten Lemstra
Albania City planning : Current challenges in architecture and urbanism in Albania / Anna Yunitsyna, Artan Hysa, Edmond Manahasa, Fabio Naselli, Odeta Durmishi Manahasa, Sokol Dervishi, editors
Albania Climatic changes Risk management : Reducing the vulnerability of Albania's agricultural systems to climate change : impact assessment and adaptation options / William R. Sutton [and others]
Albania Communication : Albania Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Albania Communication and traffic : Albania Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports