German development of the swept wing : 1935-1945 / edited by Hans-Ulrich Meier ; with contributions from Burghard Ciesla [and others] ; translated by Egon Stanewsky
Historic review of the development of high-speed aerodynamics -- High-speed flight and its aerodynamic and gasdynamic challenges -- Development of German turbojet engines up to production readiness -- Aeroelasticity problems in compressible subsonic and transonic flow -- Effect of high Mach numbers on high-speed aircraft -- Experience gained during development and testing of the first swept-wing jet aircraft -- Special features of antiaircraft rockets with swept or low-aspect-ratio wings -- Transfer of German high-speed aerodynamics after 1945 -- Appendix A : Abbreviations and acronyms -- Appendix B : English spelling of European towns and countries -- Appendix C : Sources of original reports