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Book Cover

Uniform Title Bible. Selections. Authorized. English. 2010
Title King James's Bible : a selection / edited by W.H. Stevenson
Edition Second edition
Published Harlow, England ; New York : Longman, 2010


Description 1 online resource (xvii, 554 pages) : maps
Contents Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Foreword; List of Abbreviations; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Shape and purpose; God as protagonist; The Covenant quest; The Law and sin; Deliverance; Unifying force; Further reading; Originals and translations; The Hebrew scriptures; The Law; The Histories and the prophets; The Writings; The Apocrypha; The New Testament; Early translations; The Vulgate; 'Wycliffe'; Sixteenth-century source texts; The English Bible; Tyndale and the Bible; Coverdale: the 'Great Bible'; The Geneva Bible; The Bishops' Bible; The Rheims-Douai Bible
The emergence of AVFurther reading; The language of AV; Further reading; The Old Testament; The Pentateuch; Kings, prophets and writers; Genesis; Creation; The garden; Cain and Abel; Abraham and Sarah; The lineage of Abraham; The Covenant; Sarah's child; Hagar's child; The sacrifice of Isaac; The deaths of Sarah and Abraham; About Jacob; Jacob and Esau; The blessing; Jacob at Beth-el; Rachel at the well; Jacob's wives; The twelve sons; Jacob's sheep; The ford of Jabbok; The death of Rachel; Exodus; Moses: the burning bush; Moses and Pharaoh; The plagues of Egypt; The Passover
Crossing the Red SeaThe songs of Moses and Miriam; The wilderness; Manna; In Sinai; The Ten Commandments; The Tabernacle and the Ark; The veil; The altar of incense; The workmen; Completion; Leviticus; The Day of Atonement; A part of the Law; Numbers; The fiery serpent; Deuteronomy; The Law; Moses' death; The Histories; Joshua; Jericho; Judges; Jael and Sisera; Deborah's Song; Ruth; Naomi's bereavement; Ruth gleans; Ruth and Boaz; The marriage; David and Absalom; Bath-sheba and Uriah; Nathan speaks; The rape of Tamar; The murder of Amnon; Absalom's revolt; Civil war; The battle in the wood
AftermathKings: Solomon's kingdom; King-making; David's bequests; Of Adonijah and Joab; Solomon's wisdom; Solomon's temple; Queen and wives; Kings: Decadence; Elijah and Ahab; Elijah in hiding; Elijah's departure; The Kingdoms' Fall; The fall of Samaria; The fall of Judah; The Prophets; Prophets of the two kingdoms: Amos; The State of Israel; 'The Day of the Lord'; Judgment; Hosea; The lovers; A new day; Micah; The Lord's demands; Isaiah (1); Corruptions at Court; 'The Day of the Lord'; The song of the vineyard; Isaiah's call; Immanuel; Assyria; Jesse's offspring; The Lord's vengeance
Prophets of the Exile: JeremiahOracles and judgments; Hinnom; The unjust rich man; The new David; Oracles of comfort; A new Covenant; Ezekiel; Visions of God; Images of siege; The valley of dry bones; Prophets of the return: 'Second' Isaiah; The end of exile; My servant Israel; The Lord's mercy; The messenger and the servant; Zechariah; The red horse; The measuring line; The new priesthood; Question and answer; Malachi; The refiner's fire; Daniel; Belshazzar's feast; The four beasts; The Writings; Job; Prologue; Job's calamity; Job's lament; From the first cycle; Job responds
Summary Without an understanding of Biblical stories, readers lose out on much of the richness of English literature, as authors from Milton through T.S. Eliot to Jeanette Winterson draw inspiration from Biblical stories in their own writing. This user-friendly annotated selection of key passages from the King James's Bible clarifies the key themes, characters, stories and genealogies for students, offering timelines, a bibliography, and a detailed index for quick and easy reference. The original 1984 version, of which this is a revised edition, was written by Bill Stevenson as a response t
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
SUBJECT Bible -- Selections. Authorized. English. 1994
Bible fast
Subject BIBLES -- General.
RELIGION -- Biblical Reference -- General.
RELIGION -- Biblical Reference -- Handbooks.
Form Electronic book
Author Stevenson, W. H
ISBN 9781317862123