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Author Pullis, George, defendant

Title The trial of the boot & shoemakers of Philadelphia on an indictment for a combination and conspiracy to raise their wages / taken in short-hand by Thomas Lloyd
Published Philadelphia : Printed by B. Graves ... for T. Lloyd and B. Graves, 1806


Description 1 online resource (159, [1] pages)
Series Making of Modern Law : Trials, 1600-1926
Making of modern law. Trials, 1600-1926.
Notes "The Commonwealth against George Pullis, et al."--Page 1
Publisher's advertisements: p. [1] at end
Reproduction of the original from the New York City Bar
Print version record
Subject Pullis, George, defendant -- Trials, litigation, etc
Pullis, George
Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers -- Trials, litigation, etc
Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers
Trials (Conspiracy) -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Wages -- Shoemakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Trials (Conspiracy)
Wages -- Shoemakers
Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Genre/Form Trials, litigation, etc.
Form Electronic book
Author Lloyd, Thomas, 1756-1827, reporter
Philadelphia (Pa.). Mayor's Court.
Other Titles Trial of the boot and shoemakers of Philadelphia on an indictment for a combination and conspiracy
Trial of journeymen boot and shoemakers