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Title Songs of grateful praise : [a Sing for Joy hymn festival] / the St. Olaf Cantorei
Published Northfield, MN : St. Olaf Records, [2006]


Description 1 online resource (1 audio file)
Contents From all that dwell below the skies -- For the beauty of the earth -- All things bright and beautiful -- Reading : The creation story from God's trombones / James Weldon Johnson -- All creatures of our God and King -- When the morning stars together -- Mary's story : as told by St. Luke / John Ferguson -- Magnificat / John Ferguson -- This is my song / adapted from Finlandia, by Jean Sibelius -- Ubi caritas : from four motets on Gregorian themes, op. 10 / Maurice Duruflé -- Lord, whose love in humble service -- Lamb of God / arr. F Melius Christiansen -- Christ has arisen / trad. Tanzanian -- In Thee is gladness / Daniel Kallman -- Walk in the light / arr. André Thomas -- Praise God from whom all blessings flow -- Rejoice, ye pure in heart -- God, who made the earth and heaven -- How can I keep from singing / arr. Eric Nelson
Notes Choruses and hymns; mostly arranged by John Ferguson
Performer John Ferguson, organ and piano, conductor ; Anton Armstrong, guest conductor ; The St. Olaf Cantorei
Subject Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with organ.
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with piano.
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with organ.
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) with piano.
Genre/Form Streaming audio
Form Streaming audio
Author Ferguson, John Allen, 1941- arranger of music, conductor, instrumentalist.
Armstrong, Anton, conductor.
Container of (work): Ferguson, John Allen, 1941- Mary's story: as told by St. Luke
Container of (work): Ferguson, John Allen, 1941- Magnificat
Container of (work): Duruflé, Maurice, 1902-1986. Motets sur des thèmes grégoriens. Ubi caritas.
St. Olaf Cantorei, singer