Description |
1 online resource (8 volumes (lxxv, 3357 pages)) |
Series |
Gale virtual reference library |
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents |
Vol. 1. AACSB International -- Academic Advising in Higher Education -- Academic Calendars -- Academic Dean, The -- Academic Disciplines -- Academic Freedom and Tenure -- Academic Labor Markets -- Academic Major, The -- Accelerated Schools -- Accounting Systems in Higher Education -- Accreditation in an International Context, Higher Education -- Accreditation in the United States -- School -- Higher Education -- Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology -- Adapted Physical Education -- Addams, Jane -- Adjustment to College -- Adolescent Peer Culture -- Overview -- Gangs -- Parents' Role -- Advanced Placement Courses/Exams -- Affect and Emotional Development -- Affirmative Action Compliance in Higher Education -- African-American Studies -- Aggressive Behavior -- Agricultural Education -- Alberty, H.B. -- Alternative Schooling -- American Academy of Arts and Sciences -- American Alliance For Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance -- American Association For Higher Education -- American Association For the Advancement of Science -- American Association of Colleges For Teacher Education -- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy -- American Association of Community Colleges -- American Association of Physics Teachers -- American Association of School Administrators -- American Association of State Colleges and Universities -- American Association of University Professors -- American Association of University Women -- American Council of Learned Societies -- American Council On Education -- American Federation of Teachers -- American Overseas Schools -- Aristotle -- Art Education -- School -- Preparation of Teachers -- Assessment -- Classroom Assessment -- Dynamic Assessment -- National Assessment of Educational Progress -- Performance Assessment -- Portfolio Assessment -- Assessment Tools -- Psychometric and Statistical -- Technology Based -- Assistive Technology -- Association of American Colleges and Universities -- Association of American Universities -- Attention -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -- Augustine, St. -- Autism, Education of Individuals With -- Bagley, William C. -- Barkan, Manuel -- Beacon Education Management, Incorporated -- Benjamin, H.R.W. -- Benne, Kenneth D. -- Berea College -- Bestor, A.E., Jr. -- Bethune, Mary Mcleod -- Bilingual Education -- Bilingualism, Second Language Learning, and English As A Second Language -- Binet, Alfred -- Bloom, B.S. -- Blow, Susan -- Board of Trustees, College and University -- Bobbitt, Franklin -- Bode, Boyd H. -- Bond, Horace Mann -- Bowen, Howard -- Boyer, Ernest -- Brain-Based Education -- Brameld, Theodore -- Brookings Institution -- Broudy, Harry S. -- Buchanan, Scott -- Buros, Oscar Krisen -- Business Education -- School -- College and Graduate Study -- Preparation of Teachers -- Business Involvement in Education -- Butler, Nicholas M. -- Campbell, Roald F. -- Canada -- Capstone Courses in Higher Education -- Career Counseling in Higher Education -- Carnegie Classification System, The -- Carnegie Units -- Categorization and Concept Learning -- Catholic Schools -- Centers For Teaching Improvement in Colleges and Universities -- Chall, Jeanne -- Character Development -- Charters, W.W. -- Chief Academic Affairs Officers, College and University -- Child Abuse and Neglect -- Child Care -- Availability and Quality -- Cost and Financing -- Child Development, Stages of Growth -- Child Protective Services -- Historical Overview -- Current System -- Children's Literature -- Childs, John L. -- Civics and Citizenship Education -- Clapp, Elsie Ripley -- Clark, Septima Poinsette -- Classroom Management -- Classroom Observation -- Classroom Questions -- Class Size and Student Learning -- Clubs -- Coalition of Essential Schools -- Coalition of Essential Schools' Common Principles -- Coleman, James S. -- College Admissions -- College Admissions Tests -- College and Its Effect On Students -- College and University Residence Halls -- College Athletics -- The Role and Scope of Intercollegiate Athletics in U.S. Colleges and Universities -- History of Athletics in U.S. Colleges and Universities -- Academic Support Systems For Athletes -- Athletic Scholarships -- College Students As Athletes -- Intramural Athletics in U.S. Colleges and Universities -- The National Collegiate Athletic Association -- Ncaa Rules and Regulations -- College Entrance Examination Board, The -- College Extracurricular Activities -- College Financial Aid -- College Rankings -- College Recruitment Practices -- Colleges and Universities, Organizational Structure Of -- Colleges and Universities With Religious Affiliations -- College Search and Selection -- College Seminars For First-Year Students -- College Student Retention -- College Students With Disabilities -- Accommodating -- Special Learning Needs -- College Teaching -- Collier, John, Jr. -- Comenius, Johann -- Commencement -- Commerce of Education |
Vol. 2. Common School Movement -- Community-Based Organizations, Agencies, and Groups -- Community Colleges -- Community Education -- Commuter Students -- Compensatory Education -- United States -- Policies and Programs in Latin America -- Compulsory School Attendance -- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning -- Conant, J.B. -- Consortia in Higher Education -- Constitutional Requirements Governing American Education -- Continuing Professional Education -- United States -- International Corporations -- Cooperative and Collaborative Learning -- Corporate Colleges -- Cost Effectiveness in Education -- Council For Basic Education -- Council For Exceptional Children -- Council of Chief State School Officers -- Counts, George S. -- Creativity -- Cubberley, Ellwood -- Curriculum, Higher Education -- Innovations in the Undergraduate Curriculum -- National Reports On the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Traditional and Contemporary Perspectives -- Curriculum, International -- Curriculum, School -- Overview -- Core Knowledge Curriculum -- Hidden Curriculum -- Curti, Merle -- Dalton School -- Decentralization and Education -- Decision-Making in Developing Nations, Applying Economic Analysis To -- Decision-Making in Schools, Applying Economic Analysis To -- De Lima, Agnes -- Dental Health and Children -- Dentistry Education -- Department Chairperson, The -- Developmental Theory -- Historical Overview -- Cognitive and Information Processing -- Evolutionary Approach -- Vygotskian Theory M. -- Dewey, John -- Discourse -- Classroom Discourse -- Cognitive Perspective -- Distance Learning in Higher Education -- Divinity Studies -- Doctoral Degree, The -- Driver Education -- Dropouts, School -- Drug and Alcohol Abuse -- School -- College -- Du Bois, W.E.B. -- Early Childhood Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- International Context -- East Asia and the Pacific -- Eastern Europe and Central Asia -- Economic Benefits of Education Investment, Measurement -- Educational Accountability -- Educational Broadcasting, Federal Support -- Educational Change -- Educational Expenditures, Projecting -- Educational Interest Groups -- Educational Leadership -- Educational Policy, United States -- Educational Psychology -- Educational Resources Information Center -- Educational Testing Service -- Education Commission of the States -- Education Development Projects -- Education Reform -- Overview -- Reports of Historical Significance -- Efficiency in Education -- Effort and Interest -- Eight-Year Study -- Elementary Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- Preparation of Teachers -- Eliot, Charles -- Emotionally Disturbed, Education Of -- Employment -- General Impact On Students -- Employers' Perceptions of Employment Readiness -- Reasons Students Work -- Engineering Education -- English Education -- Teaching Of -- Preparation of Teachers -- Enrollment Management in Higher Education -- Erikson, Erik -- Ethics -- School Teaching -- Higher Education -- Experiential Education -- Expertise -- Adaptive Expertise -- Domain Expertise |
Vol. 3. Faculty As Entrepreneurs -- Faculty Consulting -- Faculty Diversity -- Faculty Members, Part Time -- Faculty Performance of Research and Scholarship -- Faculty Research and Scholarship, Assessment Of -- Faculty Roles and Responsibilities -- Faculty Senates, College and University -- Faculty Service Role, The -- Faculty Teaching, Assessment Of -- Family and Consumer Sciences Education -- Family Composition and Circumstance -- Overview -- Adoption -- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs -- Foster Care -- Family Support Services -- Overview -- Income Support Services For Children and Families -- Family, School, and Community Connections -- Fawcett, Harold P. -- Federal Educational Activities -- History -- Summary By Agency -- Federal Funding For Academic Research -- Federal Funds For Higher Education -- Federal Interagency Committee On Education -- Federal Schools and Colleges -- Finance, Higher Education -- Overview -- Community and Junior Colleges -- Financial Support of Schools -- History -- Capital Outlay in Local School Systems -- State Support -- Flexner, Abraham -- Foreign Language Education -- Freire, Paulo -- Froebel, Friedrich -- Full-Service Schools -- Future Faculty Preparation Programs -- Gary Schools -- Gay and Lesbian Studies -- Gender Issues, International -- General Educational Development Test -- General Education in Higher Education -- Geography, Teaching Of -- G.I. Bill of Rights -- Gifted and Talented, Education Of -- Globalization of Education -- Goddard, Henry H. -- Goodman, Paul -- Goslin, Willard E. -- Governance and Decision-Making in Colleges and Universities -- Government and Education, the Changing Role Of -- Grading Systems -- School -- Higher Education -- Graduate Record Examination -- Graduate School Training -- Graduate Study in Education -- Gray, William Scott -- Group Processes in the Classroom -- Guidance and Counseling, School -- Hahn, Kurt -- Haley, Margaret -- Hall, G. Stanley -- Handwriting, Teaching Of -- Hanna, Paul -- Harper, William Rainey -- Harris, William T. -- Harvard University -- Havighurst, Robert J. -- Health and Education -- Health Care and Children -- Health Education, School -- Health Services -- School -- Colleges and Universities -- Hearing Impairment -- School Programs -- Teaching Methods -- Herbart, Johann -- Higher Education in Context -- Higher Education, International Issues -- Higher Education in the United States -- Historical Development -- System -- Hispanic-Serving Colleges and Universities -- Historically Black Colleges and Universities -- History -- Learning -- Teaching Of -- Holt, John -- Home Schooling -- Homework -- Honor Societies -- Alpha Chi -- Alpha Mu Gamma -- Alpha Omega Alpha -- Association For Women in Communications -- Association of College Honor Societies -- Beta Phi Mu -- Delta Kappa Gamma Society -- Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha -- Kappa Delta Pi -- Kappa Omicron Nu -- Lambda Iota Tau -- Phi Beta Kappa -- Phi Delta Kappa International -- Pi Kappa Lambda -- Pi Sigma Alpha -- Rho Chi -- Sigma Xi -- Tau Beta Pi -- Honors Programs in Higher Education -- Hopkins, L. Thomas -- Horton, Myles -- Human Subjects, Protection Of -- Hunter, Madeline Cheek -- Hutchins, Robert |
Vol. 4. Immigrant Education -- United States -- International -- Immunization and Children's Physical Health -- Impact Aid, Public Laws 815 and 874 -- Independent Study, Schools -- Individual Differences -- Abilities and Aptitudes -- Affective and Conative Processes -- Ethnicity -- Gender Equity and Schooling -- Individualized Instruction -- Infant Schools in England -- Institute of International Education -- Institutional Advancement in Higher Education -- Institutional Research in Higher Education -- Instructional Design -- Overview -- Anchored Instruction -- Case-Based Reasoning -- Direct Instruction -- Learning Communities -- Learning Through Design -- Pedagogical Agents and Tutors -- Problem-Based Learning -- Instructional Objectives -- Instructional Strategies -- Intellectual Property Rights -- Intelligence -- Emotional Intelligence -- Measurement -- Multiple Intelligences -- Myths, Mysteries, and Realities -- Triarchic Theory of Intelligence -- Interdisciplinary Courses and Majors in Higher Education -- Intergovernmental Relations in Education -- International Aspects of Education Commerce -- International Assessments -- Overview -- International Association For Educational Assessment -- International Association For the Evaluation of Educational Achievement -- Iea and Oecd Studies of Reading Literacy -- Iea Study of Technology in the Classroom -- Iea Third International Mathematics and Science Study -- Political Democracy and the Iea Study of Civic Education -- International Baccalaureate Diploma -- International Development Agencies and Education -- Bilateral Agencies -- Regional Institutions -- United Nations and International Agencies -- International Education -- International Education Agreements -- International Education Statistics -- Overview -- The Use of Indicators to Evaluate the Condition of Education Systems -- International Gap in Technology, The -- International Issues of Social Mobility of Underprivileged Groups -- International Reading Association -- International Society For Performance Improvement -- International Students -- U.S. Colleges and Universities -- The Global Commerce of Higher Education -- International Teachers Associations -- International Trade in Education Programs, Goods, and Services -- Internships in Higher Education -- Islam -- James, William -- Jeanes Teachers -- Jewish Education, United States -- Johns Hopkins University -- Johnson, Marietta Pierce -- Journalism Education Association -- Journalism, Teaching Of -- Juvenile Justice System -- History of Juvenile Courts -- Contemporary Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile Detention Alternatives -- Juvenile Crime and Violence -- Kandel, Isaac L. -- Keppel, Francis -- Kerschensteiner, Georg -- Kilpatrick, William H. -- Knowledge Building -- Knowledge Management -- Kohlberg, Lawrence -- Labrant, Lou L. -- Land-Grant Colleges and Universities -- Language Acquisition -- Language and Education -- Language Arts, Teaching Of -- Language Minority Students -- Scope -- Impact On Education -- Latchkey Children -- Latin America and the Caribbean -- Latin in Schools, Teaching Of -- Law Education -- Law School Admission Test -- Learning Analogical Reasoning -- Causal Reasoning -- Conceptual Change -- Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, and Organization -- Neurological Foundation -- Perceptual Processes -- Problem Solving -- Reasoning -- Transfer of Learning -- Learning Communities and the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Learning Disabilities, Education of Individuals With -- Learning Theory -- Historical Overview -- Constructivist Approach -- Schema Theory -- Learning to Learn and Metacognition -- Liability of School Districts and School Personnel For Negligence -- Liberal Arts Colleges -- Life Experience For College Credit -- Lifelong Learning -- Lincoln School -- Lindquist, E.F. -- Literacy -- Emergent Literacy -- Intertextuality -- Learning From Multimedia Sources -- Multimedia Literacy -- Narrative Comprehension and Production -- Vocabulary and Vocabulary Learning -- Writing and Composition -- Literacy and Culture -- Literacy and Reading -- Living and Learning Center Residence Halls -- Looping -- Lowenfeld, Viktor |
Vol. 6. Macdonald, James -- Magnet Schools -- Managed Care and Children -- Mann, Horace -- Master's Degree, The -- Mathematics Education, Teacher Preparation -- Mathematics Learning -- Algebra -- Complex Problem Solving -- Geometry -- Learning Tools -- Myths, Mysteries, and Realities -- Number Sense -- Numeracy and Culture -- Word-Problem Solving -- Mays, Benjamin -- Mccall, William A. -- Mcmurry, Charles -- Media and Learning -- Media, Influence On Children -- Medical College Admission Test -- Medical Education -- Meiklejohn, Alexander -- Memory -- Autobiographical Memory -- Development Of -- Graphics, Diagrams, and Videos -- Implicit Memory -- Mental Models -- Metamemory -- Myths, Mysteries, and Realities -- Structures and Functions -- Mental Health Services and Children -- Mental Retardation, Education of Individuals With -- Mentoring -- Microteaching -- Middle East and North Africa -- Middle Schools -- Miel, Alice -- Migrants, Education Of -- Military Academies -- U.S. Air Force Academy -- U.S. Coast Guard Academy -- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy -- U.S. Military Academy -- U.S. Naval Academy -- Military Professional Education System -- Military Training Doctrine, Philosophy and Practice -- Misconduct in Education -- Mississippi Freedom Schools -- Mnemonic Strategies and Techniques -- Modern Language Association of America -- Modern Red Schoolhouse -- Montessori, Maria -- Moral Development -- Moral Education -- Morrison, Henry C. -- Motivation -- Overview -- Instruction -- Self-Regulated Learning -- Motor Learning -- Multicultural Education -- Multiculturalism in Higher Education -- Museum As an Educational Institution, The -- Music Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- National Academy of Sciences -- National Archives and Records Administration -- National Art Education Association -- National Association For the Education of Young Children -- National Association of Biology Teachers -- National Association of Elementary School Principals -- National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -- National Association of Independent Schools -- National Association of Schools of Art and Design -- National Association of Secondary School Principals -- National Association of State Boards of Education -- National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges -- National Board For Professional Teaching Standards -- National Business Education Association -- National Catholic Educational Association -- National Center For Education Statistics -- National Committee For Children and Youth -- National Communication Association -- National Conference of State Legislatures -- National Council For Accreditation of Teacher Education -- National Council For the Social Studies -- National Council of Teachers of English -- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics -- National Education Association -- National Endowment For the Arts -- National Endowment For the Humanities -- National Governors Association -- National Honor Society -- National Merit Scholarships -- National Pta -- National School Boards Association -- National School Public Relations Association -- National Science Foundation -- National Science Teachers Association -- Neighborhoods -- Neill, A.S. -- New American Schools -- Newlon, Jesse -- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 -- Nongovernmental Organizations and Foundations -- Nongraded Schools -- Nontraditional Students in Higher Education -- Ntl Institute For Applied Behavioral Science -- Nursing Education -- Nutrition and Children's Physical Health -- Open Classroom Schools -- Open Education -- Outcome Based Education -- Outdoor and Environmental Education -- Out-Of-School Influences and Academic Success -- Paideia Program -- Palmer, Alice Freeman -- Parental Involvement in Education -- Parenting -- Overview -- High-Risk Neighborhoods -- Influence of Parents' Level of Education -- Influence On Child's Educational Aspirations and Attainment -- Peace Education -- Peer Relations and Learning -- People With Disabilities, Federal Programs to Assist -- Personal and Psychological Counseling At Colleges and Universities -- Personal and Psychological Problems of College Students -- Pestalozzi, Johann -- Philosophy of Education -- Historical Overview -- Current Trends -- Physical Disabilities, Education of Individuals With -- Physical Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- Piaget, Jean -- Plato -- Population and Education -- Postdoctoral Education -- Poverty and Education -- Overview -- Children and Adolescents -- Presidency, College and University -- Pressey, Sidney L. -- Principal, School -- Private Schooling -- Professional Development Schools -- Progressive Education -- Project Method -- Prosser, Charles -- Protestant School Systems -- Psychologist, School -- Public Education, Criticism Of -- Public School Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing -- Putnam, Alice -- Race, Ethnicity, and Culture -- Cultural Expectations and Student Learning -- Latino Growth -- Racial and Ethnic Minority Students in Higher Education -- Readability Indices -- Reading -- Beginning Reading -- Comprehension -- Content Areas -- Interest -- Learning From Text -- Prior Knowledge, Beliefs, and Learning -- Teaching Of -- Value of Reading Engagement For Children -- Reading Disabilities -- Records and Reports, School -- Recreation Programs in the Schools -- Regional Laboratories and Research and Development Centers -- Research Grants and Indirect Costs -- Research Methods -- Overview -- Qualitative and Ethnographic -- School and Program Evaluation -- Verbal Protocols -- Research Misconduct -- Research Universities -- Residential Colleges -- Resource Allocation in Higher Education -- Rice, John A. -- Rice, Joseph Mayer -- Risk Behaviors -- Drug Use Among Teens -- Hiv/Aids and Its Impact On Adolescents -- Sexual Activity Among Teens and Teen Pregnancy Trends -- Sexually Transmitted Diseases -- Smoking and Its Effect On Children's Health -- Suicide -- Teen Pregnancy -- Risk Management in Higher Education -- Rogers, Carl -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques -- Rugg, Harold -- Rural Education -- Overview -- International Context -- Sanchez, George I. -- Scheduling -- School-Based Decision-Making -- School Board Relations -- Control of the Schools -- Relation of School Board to the Community -- Relation of School Board to the Superintendent -- School Boards -- Duties, Responsibilities, Decision-Making, and Legal Basis For Local School Board Powers -- Selection and Education of Members -- School Climate -- School Facilities -- Overview -- Maintenance and Modernization Of -- School Food Programs -- School Libraries -- School-Linked Services -- Types of Services and Organizational Forms -- Outcomes -- School Readiness -- School Reform -- Schwab, Joseph -- Science Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- Science Learning -- Explanation and Argumentation -- Knowledge Organization and Understanding -- Standards -- Tools -- Sea Grant Program -- Secondary Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- International Issues -- Segregation, Legal Aspects -- Service Learning -- School -- Higher Education -- Severe and Multiple Disablities, Education of Individuals With -- Sexuality Education -- Sexual Orientation -- Shanker, Albert -- Sheldon, Edward -- Single-Sex Institutions -- Skinner, B.F |
-- Sleep and Children's Physical Health -- Small Nations -- Smith, David Eugene -- Smithsonian Institution, Education Programs -- Snedden, David -- Social Capital and Education -- Social Cohesion and Education -- Social Fraternities and Sororities -- Social Organization of Schools -- Social Promotion -- Social Studies Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- South Asia -- Special Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- Preparation of Teachers -- International Context -- Speech and Language Impairment, Education of Individuals With -- Speech and Theater Education -- Spelling, Teaching Of -- Sports, School -- Overview -- Role in Student's Social and Emotional Development -- Standards For Student Learning -- Standards Movement in American Education -- State Departments of Education -- Role and Function -- Vocational Education -- State Educational Systems |
Vol. 7. States and Education -- Legal Basis of State Relations to Nonpublic Schools -- State Administrative Services in Education -- State Boards of Education -- State Governments in Higher Education -- Steiner, Rudolf -- St. John's College -- Strategic and Long-Range Planning in Higher Education -- Stratemeyer, Florence -- Stress and Depression -- Student Activities -- Overview -- Financing -- Student Loans in an International Context -- Student Mobility -- Student Orientation Programs -- Student Services -- Colleges and Universities -- Community Colleges -- Study Abroad -- Sub-Saharan Africa -- Success For All Programs -- Summer Enrichment Programs -- Summer School -- Superintendent of Large-City School Systems -- Superintendent of Schools -- Supervision of Instruction -- Supreme Court of the United States and Education, The -- Taba, Hilda -- Taxonomies of Educational Objectives -- Taylor, Harold -- Teacher -- Teacher Education -- Historical Overview -- International Perspective -- Teacher Employment -- Teacher Evaluation -- Overview -- Methods -- Teacher Learning Communities -- Teacher Preparation, International Perspective -- Teacher Unions -- Overview -- Influence On Instruction and Other Educational Practices -- Teaching -- Knowledge Bases Of -- Learning to Teach -- Methods For Studying -- Teaching and Learning -- Higher Education -- International Perspective -- Teaching and Research, the Relationship Between -- Team Teaching -- Technology Education -- Technology in Education -- Current Trends -- School -- Higher Education -- Technology Transfer -- Terman, Lewis -- Testing -- Standardized Tests and Educational Policy -- Standardized Tests and High-Stakes Assessment -- Statewide Testing Programs -- Test Preparation Programs, Impact Of -- National Achievement Tests, International -- International Standards of Test Development -- Textbooks -- Overview -- School Textbooks in the United States -- Thayer, V.T. -- Thorndike, Edward L. -- Title Ix -- School Sports -- Intercollegiate Athletics -- Transportation and School Busing -- Tribal Colleges and Universities -- Tutoring -- School -- Higher Education -- International Trends -- Tyler, Ralph W. -- University Council For Educational Administration -- University-Industrial Research Collaboration -- University of Chicago -- University of Virginia -- University Presses -- Upward Bound -- Urban Education -- Urban Institute -- U.S. Department of Education -- Overview -- International Role -- U.S. War Colleges -- Violence, Children's Exposure To -- General Effects -- Community Violence -- Domestic Violence -- Visual Impairments, Education of Individuals With -- Vocational and Technical Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- Preparation of Teachers -- International Context -- Vocational School Fallacy -- Volunteer Work -- Vygotsky, Lev -- Waller, Willard W. -- Washburne, Carleton -- Washington, Booker T. -- Watson, John B. -- Webster, Noah -- Welfare Reform -- Effects On Families and Children -- Moving Mothers From Welfare to Work -- Western Europe -- Whitehead, Alfred North -- White House Fellows -- Women's Studies -- Woodson, Carter Godwin -- Writing, Teaching Of -- Yale University -- Year-Round Education -- Young, Ella Flagg -- Youth Demographic Trends -- Youth Development Programs -- Youth Organizations -- American Field Service -- Big Brothers Big Sisters of America -- B'Nai B'Rith Youth Organization -- Boys and Girls Clubs of America -- Boys and Girls States -- Boy Scouts of America -- Camp Fire Usa -- Distributive Education Clubs of America -- Four-H Programs -- Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda -- Future Scientists and Engineers of America -- Girl Scouts of the Usa -- Hostelling International-American Youth Hostels -- National Forensic League -- National Future Farmers of America Organization -- Quill and Scroll -- Skillsusa-Vica -- Young Men's Christian Association -- Young Men's Hebrew Association and Young Women's Hebrew Association -- Young Women's Christian Association -- Zacharias, Jerrold -- Zirbes, Laura |
Vol. 8. Appendices: -- Assessment and Achievement Tests -- State-by-State Directory of Departments of Education -- Court Cases, Legislation, and International Agreements -- Internet Resources -- Bibliography -- Outline of Contents |
v. 1. A-Commerce -- volume 2. Common-E -- volume 3. F-H -- volume 4. I-L -- volume 5. M-P -- volume 6. R-State -- volume 7. States-Z -- volume 8. Appendixes. Index |
Summary |
Publisher's description: This fully-revised second edition offers a complete view of the institutions, people, processes, roles and philosophies found in educational practice in the United States and throughout the world. Features include 121 biographies of influential educators; profiles of historic colleges and universities; profiles of organizations active in the field; and an appendix of full text primary source documents including education related legislation, international treaties and testing methods |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographical references and index |
Notes |
Print version record |
Subject |
Education -- Encyclopedias.
EDUCATION -- Essays.
EDUCATION -- Organizations & Institutions.
EDUCATION -- Reference.
Genre/Form |
Encyclopédie (Descripteur de forme)
Form |
Electronic book
Author |
Guthrie, James W.
0028658825 |
9780028658827 |