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Title Encyclopedia of education / edited by James W. Guthrie
Edition 2nd ed
Published New York : Macmillan Reference USA, ©2003
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Description 1 online resource (8 volumes (lxxv, 3357 pages))
Series Gale virtual reference library
Gale virtual reference library.
Contents Vol. 1. AACSB International -- Academic Advising in Higher Education -- Academic Calendars -- Academic Dean, The -- Academic Disciplines -- Academic Freedom and Tenure -- Academic Labor Markets -- Academic Major, The -- Accelerated Schools -- Accounting Systems in Higher Education -- Accreditation in an International Context, Higher Education -- Accreditation in the United States -- School -- Higher Education -- Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology -- Adapted Physical Education -- Addams, Jane -- Adjustment to College -- Adolescent Peer Culture -- Overview -- Gangs -- Parents' Role -- Advanced Placement Courses/Exams -- Affect and Emotional Development -- Affirmative Action Compliance in Higher Education -- African-American Studies -- Aggressive Behavior -- Agricultural Education -- Alberty, H.B. -- Alternative Schooling -- American Academy of Arts and Sciences -- American Alliance For Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance -- American Association For Higher Education -- American Association For the Advancement of Science -- American Association of Colleges For Teacher Education -- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy -- American Association of Community Colleges -- American Association of Physics Teachers -- American Association of School Administrators -- American Association of State Colleges and Universities -- American Association of University Professors -- American Association of University Women -- American Council of Learned Societies -- American Council On Education -- American Federation of Teachers -- American Overseas Schools -- Aristotle -- Art Education -- School -- Preparation of Teachers -- Assessment -- Classroom Assessment -- Dynamic Assessment -- National Assessment of Educational Progress -- Performance Assessment -- Portfolio Assessment -- Assessment Tools -- Psychometric and Statistical -- Technology Based -- Assistive Technology -- Association of American Colleges and Universities -- Association of American Universities -- Attention -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -- Augustine, St. -- Autism, Education of Individuals With -- Bagley, William C. -- Barkan, Manuel -- Beacon Education Management, Incorporated -- Benjamin, H.R.W. -- Benne, Kenneth D. -- Berea College -- Bestor, A.E., Jr. -- Bethune, Mary Mcleod -- Bilingual Education -- Bilingualism, Second Language Learning, and English As A Second Language -- Binet, Alfred -- Bloom, B.S. -- Blow, Susan -- Board of Trustees, College and University -- Bobbitt, Franklin -- Bode, Boyd H. -- Bond, Horace Mann -- Bowen, Howard -- Boyer, Ernest -- Brain-Based Education -- Brameld, Theodore -- Brookings Institution -- Broudy, Harry S. -- Buchanan, Scott -- Buros, Oscar Krisen -- Business Education -- School -- College and Graduate Study -- Preparation of Teachers -- Business Involvement in Education -- Butler, Nicholas M. -- Campbell, Roald F. -- Canada -- Capstone Courses in Higher Education -- Career Counseling in Higher Education -- Carnegie Classification System, The -- Carnegie Units -- Categorization and Concept Learning -- Catholic Schools -- Centers For Teaching Improvement in Colleges and Universities -- Chall, Jeanne -- Character Development -- Charters, W.W. -- Chief Academic Affairs Officers, College and University -- Child Abuse and Neglect -- Child Care -- Availability and Quality -- Cost and Financing -- Child Development, Stages of Growth -- Child Protective Services -- Historical Overview -- Current System -- Children's Literature -- Childs, John L. -- Civics and Citizenship Education -- Clapp, Elsie Ripley -- Clark, Septima Poinsette -- Classroom Management -- Classroom Observation -- Classroom Questions -- Class Size and Student Learning -- Clubs -- Coalition of Essential Schools -- Coalition of Essential Schools' Common Principles -- Coleman, James S. -- College Admissions -- College Admissions Tests -- College and Its Effect On Students -- College and University Residence Halls -- College Athletics -- The Role and Scope of Intercollegiate Athletics in U.S. Colleges and Universities -- History of Athletics in U.S. Colleges and Universities -- Academic Support Systems For Athletes -- Athletic Scholarships -- College Students As Athletes -- Intramural Athletics in U.S. Colleges and Universities -- The National Collegiate Athletic Association -- Ncaa Rules and Regulations -- College Entrance Examination Board, The -- College Extracurricular Activities -- College Financial Aid -- College Rankings -- College Recruitment Practices -- Colleges and Universities, Organizational Structure Of -- Colleges and Universities With Religious Affiliations -- College Search and Selection -- College Seminars For First-Year Students -- College Student Retention -- College Students With Disabilities -- Accommodating -- Special Learning Needs -- College Teaching -- Collier, John, Jr. -- Comenius, Johann -- Commencement -- Commerce of Education
Vol. 2. Common School Movement -- Community-Based Organizations, Agencies, and Groups -- Community Colleges -- Community Education -- Commuter Students -- Compensatory Education -- United States -- Policies and Programs in Latin America -- Compulsory School Attendance -- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning -- Conant, J.B. -- Consortia in Higher Education -- Constitutional Requirements Governing American Education -- Continuing Professional Education -- United States -- International Corporations -- Cooperative and Collaborative Learning -- Corporate Colleges -- Cost Effectiveness in Education -- Council For Basic Education -- Council For Exceptional Children -- Council of Chief State School Officers -- Counts, George S. -- Creativity -- Cubberley, Ellwood -- Curriculum, Higher Education -- Innovations in the Undergraduate Curriculum -- National Reports On the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Traditional and Contemporary Perspectives -- Curriculum, International -- Curriculum, School -- Overview -- Core Knowledge Curriculum -- Hidden Curriculum -- Curti, Merle -- Dalton School -- Decentralization and Education -- Decision-Making in Developing Nations, Applying Economic Analysis To -- Decision-Making in Schools, Applying Economic Analysis To -- De Lima, Agnes -- Dental Health and Children -- Dentistry Education -- Department Chairperson, The -- Developmental Theory -- Historical Overview -- Cognitive and Information Processing -- Evolutionary Approach -- Vygotskian Theory M. -- Dewey, John -- Discourse -- Classroom Discourse -- Cognitive Perspective -- Distance Learning in Higher Education -- Divinity Studies -- Doctoral Degree, The -- Driver Education -- Dropouts, School -- Drug and Alcohol Abuse -- School -- College -- Du Bois, W.E.B. -- Early Childhood Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- International Context -- East Asia and the Pacific -- Eastern Europe and Central Asia -- Economic Benefits of Education Investment, Measurement -- Educational Accountability -- Educational Broadcasting, Federal Support -- Educational Change -- Educational Expenditures, Projecting -- Educational Interest Groups -- Educational Leadership -- Educational Policy, United States -- Educational Psychology -- Educational Resources Information Center -- Educational Testing Service -- Education Commission of the States -- Education Development Projects -- Education Reform -- Overview -- Reports of Historical Significance -- Efficiency in Education -- Effort and Interest -- Eight-Year Study -- Elementary Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- Preparation of Teachers -- Eliot, Charles -- Emotionally Disturbed, Education Of -- Employment -- General Impact On Students -- Employers' Perceptions of Employment Readiness -- Reasons Students Work -- Engineering Education -- English Education -- Teaching Of -- Preparation of Teachers -- Enrollment Management in Higher Education -- Erikson, Erik -- Ethics -- School Teaching -- Higher Education -- Experiential Education -- Expertise -- Adaptive Expertise -- Domain Expertise
Vol. 3. Faculty As Entrepreneurs -- Faculty Consulting -- Faculty Diversity -- Faculty Members, Part Time -- Faculty Performance of Research and Scholarship -- Faculty Research and Scholarship, Assessment Of -- Faculty Roles and Responsibilities -- Faculty Senates, College and University -- Faculty Service Role, The -- Faculty Teaching, Assessment Of -- Family and Consumer Sciences Education -- Family Composition and Circumstance -- Overview -- Adoption -- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs -- Foster Care -- Family Support Services -- Overview -- Income Support Services For Children and Families -- Family, School, and Community Connections -- Fawcett, Harold P. -- Federal Educational Activities -- History -- Summary By Agency -- Federal Funding For Academic Research -- Federal Funds For Higher Education -- Federal Interagency Committee On Education -- Federal Schools and Colleges -- Finance, Higher Education -- Overview -- Community and Junior Colleges -- Financial Support of Schools -- History -- Capital Outlay in Local School Systems -- State Support -- Flexner, Abraham -- Foreign Language Education -- Freire, Paulo -- Froebel, Friedrich -- Full-Service Schools -- Future Faculty Preparation Programs -- Gary Schools -- Gay and Lesbian Studies -- Gender Issues, International -- General Educational Development Test -- General Education in Higher Education -- Geography, Teaching Of -- G.I. Bill of Rights -- Gifted and Talented, Education Of -- Globalization of Education -- Goddard, Henry H. -- Goodman, Paul -- Goslin, Willard E. -- Governance and Decision-Making in Colleges and Universities -- Government and Education, the Changing Role Of -- Grading Systems -- School -- Higher Education -- Graduate Record Examination -- Graduate School Training -- Graduate Study in Education -- Gray, William Scott -- Group Processes in the Classroom -- Guidance and Counseling, School -- Hahn, Kurt -- Haley, Margaret -- Hall, G. Stanley -- Handwriting, Teaching Of -- Hanna, Paul -- Harper, William Rainey -- Harris, William T. -- Harvard University -- Havighurst, Robert J. -- Health and Education -- Health Care and Children -- Health Education, School -- Health Services -- School -- Colleges and Universities -- Hearing Impairment -- School Programs -- Teaching Methods -- Herbart, Johann -- Higher Education in Context -- Higher Education, International Issues -- Higher Education in the United States -- Historical Development -- System -- Hispanic-Serving Colleges and Universities -- Historically Black Colleges and Universities -- History -- Learning -- Teaching Of -- Holt, John -- Home Schooling -- Homework -- Honor Societies -- Alpha Chi -- Alpha Mu Gamma -- Alpha Omega Alpha -- Association For Women in Communications -- Association of College Honor Societies -- Beta Phi Mu -- Delta Kappa Gamma Society -- Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha -- Kappa Delta Pi -- Kappa Omicron Nu -- Lambda Iota Tau -- Phi Beta Kappa -- Phi Delta Kappa International -- Pi Kappa Lambda -- Pi Sigma Alpha -- Rho Chi -- Sigma Xi -- Tau Beta Pi -- Honors Programs in Higher Education -- Hopkins, L. Thomas -- Horton, Myles -- Human Subjects, Protection Of -- Hunter, Madeline Cheek -- Hutchins, Robert
Vol. 4. Immigrant Education -- United States -- International -- Immunization and Children's Physical Health -- Impact Aid, Public Laws 815 and 874 -- Independent Study, Schools -- Individual Differences -- Abilities and Aptitudes -- Affective and Conative Processes -- Ethnicity -- Gender Equity and Schooling -- Individualized Instruction -- Infant Schools in England -- Institute of International Education -- Institutional Advancement in Higher Education -- Institutional Research in Higher Education -- Instructional Design -- Overview -- Anchored Instruction -- Case-Based Reasoning -- Direct Instruction -- Learning Communities -- Learning Through Design -- Pedagogical Agents and Tutors -- Problem-Based Learning -- Instructional Objectives -- Instructional Strategies -- Intellectual Property Rights -- Intelligence -- Emotional Intelligence -- Measurement -- Multiple Intelligences -- Myths, Mysteries, and Realities -- Triarchic Theory of Intelligence -- Interdisciplinary Courses and Majors in Higher Education -- Intergovernmental Relations in Education -- International Aspects of Education Commerce -- International Assessments -- Overview -- International Association For Educational Assessment -- International Association For the Evaluation of Educational Achievement -- Iea and Oecd Studies of Reading Literacy -- Iea Study of Technology in the Classroom -- Iea Third International Mathematics and Science Study -- Political Democracy and the Iea Study of Civic Education -- International Baccalaureate Diploma -- International Development Agencies and Education -- Bilateral Agencies -- Regional Institutions -- United Nations and International Agencies -- International Education -- International Education Agreements -- International Education Statistics -- Overview -- The Use of Indicators to Evaluate the Condition of Education Systems -- International Gap in Technology, The -- International Issues of Social Mobility of Underprivileged Groups -- International Reading Association -- International Society For Performance Improvement -- International Students -- U.S. Colleges and Universities -- The Global Commerce of Higher Education -- International Teachers Associations -- International Trade in Education Programs, Goods, and Services -- Internships in Higher Education -- Islam -- James, William -- Jeanes Teachers -- Jewish Education, United States -- Johns Hopkins University -- Johnson, Marietta Pierce -- Journalism Education Association -- Journalism, Teaching Of -- Juvenile Justice System -- History of Juvenile Courts -- Contemporary Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile Detention Alternatives -- Juvenile Crime and Violence -- Kandel, Isaac L. -- Keppel, Francis -- Kerschensteiner, Georg -- Kilpatrick, William H. -- Knowledge Building -- Knowledge Management -- Kohlberg, Lawrence -- Labrant, Lou L. -- Land-Grant Colleges and Universities -- Language Acquisition -- Language and Education -- Language Arts, Teaching Of -- Language Minority Students -- Scope -- Impact On Education -- Latchkey Children -- Latin America and the Caribbean -- Latin in Schools, Teaching Of -- Law Education -- Law School Admission Test -- Learning Analogical Reasoning -- Causal Reasoning -- Conceptual Change -- Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, and Organization -- Neurological Foundation -- Perceptual Processes -- Problem Solving -- Reasoning -- Transfer of Learning -- Learning Communities and the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Learning Disabilities, Education of Individuals With -- Learning Theory -- Historical Overview -- Constructivist Approach -- Schema Theory -- Learning to Learn and Metacognition -- Liability of School Districts and School Personnel For Negligence -- Liberal Arts Colleges -- Life Experience For College Credit -- Lifelong Learning -- Lincoln School -- Lindquist, E.F. -- Literacy -- Emergent Literacy -- Intertextuality -- Learning From Multimedia Sources -- Multimedia Literacy -- Narrative Comprehension and Production -- Vocabulary and Vocabulary Learning -- Writing and Composition -- Literacy and Culture -- Literacy and Reading -- Living and Learning Center Residence Halls -- Looping -- Lowenfeld, Viktor
Vol. 6. Macdonald, James -- Magnet Schools -- Managed Care and Children -- Mann, Horace -- Master's Degree, The -- Mathematics Education, Teacher Preparation -- Mathematics Learning -- Algebra -- Complex Problem Solving -- Geometry -- Learning Tools -- Myths, Mysteries, and Realities -- Number Sense -- Numeracy and Culture -- Word-Problem Solving -- Mays, Benjamin -- Mccall, William A. -- Mcmurry, Charles -- Media and Learning -- Media, Influence On Children -- Medical College Admission Test -- Medical Education -- Meiklejohn, Alexander -- Memory -- Autobiographical Memory -- Development Of -- Graphics, Diagrams, and Videos -- Implicit Memory -- Mental Models -- Metamemory -- Myths, Mysteries, and Realities -- Structures and Functions -- Mental Health Services and Children -- Mental Retardation, Education of Individuals With -- Mentoring -- Microteaching -- Middle East and North Africa -- Middle Schools -- Miel, Alice -- Migrants, Education Of -- Military Academies -- U.S. Air Force Academy -- U.S. Coast Guard Academy -- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy -- U.S. Military Academy -- U.S. Naval Academy -- Military Professional Education System -- Military Training Doctrine, Philosophy and Practice -- Misconduct in Education -- Mississippi Freedom Schools -- Mnemonic Strategies and Techniques -- Modern Language Association of America -- Modern Red Schoolhouse -- Montessori, Maria -- Moral Development -- Moral Education -- Morrison, Henry C. -- Motivation -- Overview -- Instruction -- Self-Regulated Learning -- Motor Learning -- Multicultural Education -- Multiculturalism in Higher Education -- Museum As an Educational Institution, The -- Music Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- National Academy of Sciences -- National Archives and Records Administration -- National Art Education Association -- National Association For the Education of Young Children -- National Association of Biology Teachers -- National Association of Elementary School Principals -- National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -- National Association of Independent Schools -- National Association of Schools of Art and Design -- National Association of Secondary School Principals -- National Association of State Boards of Education -- National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges -- National Board For Professional Teaching Standards -- National Business Education Association -- National Catholic Educational Association -- National Center For Education Statistics -- National Committee For Children and Youth -- National Communication Association -- National Conference of State Legislatures -- National Council For Accreditation of Teacher Education -- National Council For the Social Studies -- National Council of Teachers of English -- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics -- National Education Association -- National Endowment For the Arts -- National Endowment For the Humanities -- National Governors Association -- National Honor Society -- National Merit Scholarships -- National Pta -- National School Boards Association -- National School Public Relations Association -- National Science Foundation -- National Science Teachers Association -- Neighborhoods -- Neill, A.S. -- New American Schools -- Newlon, Jesse -- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 -- Nongovernmental Organizations and Foundations -- Nongraded Schools -- Nontraditional Students in Higher Education -- Ntl Institute For Applied Behavioral Science -- Nursing Education -- Nutrition and Children's Physical Health -- Open Classroom Schools -- Open Education -- Outcome Based Education -- Outdoor and Environmental Education -- Out-Of-School Influences and Academic Success -- Paideia Program -- Palmer, Alice Freeman -- Parental Involvement in Education -- Parenting -- Overview -- High-Risk Neighborhoods -- Influence of Parents' Level of Education -- Influence On Child's Educational Aspirations and Attainment -- Peace Education -- Peer Relations and Learning -- People With Disabilities, Federal Programs to Assist -- Personal and Psychological Counseling At Colleges and Universities -- Personal and Psychological Problems of College Students -- Pestalozzi, Johann -- Philosophy of Education -- Historical Overview -- Current Trends -- Physical Disabilities, Education of Individuals With -- Physical Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- Piaget, Jean -- Plato -- Population and Education -- Postdoctoral Education -- Poverty and Education -- Overview -- Children and Adolescents -- Presidency, College and University -- Pressey, Sidney L. -- Principal, School -- Private Schooling -- Professional Development Schools -- Progressive Education -- Project Method -- Prosser, Charles -- Protestant School Systems -- Psychologist, School -- Public Education, Criticism Of -- Public School Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing -- Putnam, Alice -- Race, Ethnicity, and Culture -- Cultural Expectations and Student Learning -- Latino Growth -- Racial and Ethnic Minority Students in Higher Education -- Readability Indices -- Reading -- Beginning Reading -- Comprehension -- Content Areas -- Interest -- Learning From Text -- Prior Knowledge, Beliefs, and Learning -- Teaching Of -- Value of Reading Engagement For Children -- Reading Disabilities -- Records and Reports, School -- Recreation Programs in the Schools -- Regional Laboratories and Research and Development Centers -- Research Grants and Indirect Costs -- Research Methods -- Overview -- Qualitative and Ethnographic -- School and Program Evaluation -- Verbal Protocols -- Research Misconduct -- Research Universities -- Residential Colleges -- Resource Allocation in Higher Education -- Rice, John A. -- Rice, Joseph Mayer -- Risk Behaviors -- Drug Use Among Teens -- Hiv/Aids and Its Impact On Adolescents -- Sexual Activity Among Teens and Teen Pregnancy Trends -- Sexually Transmitted Diseases -- Smoking and Its Effect On Children's Health -- Suicide -- Teen Pregnancy -- Risk Management in Higher Education -- Rogers, Carl -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques -- Rugg, Harold -- Rural Education -- Overview -- International Context -- Sanchez, George I. -- Scheduling -- School-Based Decision-Making -- School Board Relations -- Control of the Schools -- Relation of School Board to the Community -- Relation of School Board to the Superintendent -- School Boards -- Duties, Responsibilities, Decision-Making, and Legal Basis For Local School Board Powers -- Selection and Education of Members -- School Climate -- School Facilities -- Overview -- Maintenance and Modernization Of -- School Food Programs -- School Libraries -- School-Linked Services -- Types of Services and Organizational Forms -- Outcomes -- School Readiness -- School Reform -- Schwab, Joseph -- Science Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- Science Learning -- Explanation and Argumentation -- Knowledge Organization and Understanding -- Standards -- Tools -- Sea Grant Program -- Secondary Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- International Issues -- Segregation, Legal Aspects -- Service Learning -- School -- Higher Education -- Severe and Multiple Disablities, Education of Individuals With -- Sexuality Education -- Sexual Orientation -- Shanker, Albert -- Sheldon, Edward -- Single-Sex Institutions -- Skinner, B.F
-- Sleep and Children's Physical Health -- Small Nations -- Smith, David Eugene -- Smithsonian Institution, Education Programs -- Snedden, David -- Social Capital and Education -- Social Cohesion and Education -- Social Fraternities and Sororities -- Social Organization of Schools -- Social Promotion -- Social Studies Education -- Overview -- Preparation of Teachers -- South Asia -- Special Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- Preparation of Teachers -- International Context -- Speech and Language Impairment, Education of Individuals With -- Speech and Theater Education -- Spelling, Teaching Of -- Sports, School -- Overview -- Role in Student's Social and Emotional Development -- Standards For Student Learning -- Standards Movement in American Education -- State Departments of Education -- Role and Function -- Vocational Education -- State Educational Systems
Vol. 7. States and Education -- Legal Basis of State Relations to Nonpublic Schools -- State Administrative Services in Education -- State Boards of Education -- State Governments in Higher Education -- Steiner, Rudolf -- St. John's College -- Strategic and Long-Range Planning in Higher Education -- Stratemeyer, Florence -- Stress and Depression -- Student Activities -- Overview -- Financing -- Student Loans in an International Context -- Student Mobility -- Student Orientation Programs -- Student Services -- Colleges and Universities -- Community Colleges -- Study Abroad -- Sub-Saharan Africa -- Success For All Programs -- Summer Enrichment Programs -- Summer School -- Superintendent of Large-City School Systems -- Superintendent of Schools -- Supervision of Instruction -- Supreme Court of the United States and Education, The -- Taba, Hilda -- Taxonomies of Educational Objectives -- Taylor, Harold -- Teacher -- Teacher Education -- Historical Overview -- International Perspective -- Teacher Employment -- Teacher Evaluation -- Overview -- Methods -- Teacher Learning Communities -- Teacher Preparation, International Perspective -- Teacher Unions -- Overview -- Influence On Instruction and Other Educational Practices -- Teaching -- Knowledge Bases Of -- Learning to Teach -- Methods For Studying -- Teaching and Learning -- Higher Education -- International Perspective -- Teaching and Research, the Relationship Between -- Team Teaching -- Technology Education -- Technology in Education -- Current Trends -- School -- Higher Education -- Technology Transfer -- Terman, Lewis -- Testing -- Standardized Tests and Educational Policy -- Standardized Tests and High-Stakes Assessment -- Statewide Testing Programs -- Test Preparation Programs, Impact Of -- National Achievement Tests, International -- International Standards of Test Development -- Textbooks -- Overview -- School Textbooks in the United States -- Thayer, V.T. -- Thorndike, Edward L. -- Title Ix -- School Sports -- Intercollegiate Athletics -- Transportation and School Busing -- Tribal Colleges and Universities -- Tutoring -- School -- Higher Education -- International Trends -- Tyler, Ralph W. -- University Council For Educational Administration -- University-Industrial Research Collaboration -- University of Chicago -- University of Virginia -- University Presses -- Upward Bound -- Urban Education -- Urban Institute -- U.S. Department of Education -- Overview -- International Role -- U.S. War Colleges -- Violence, Children's Exposure To -- General Effects -- Community Violence -- Domestic Violence -- Visual Impairments, Education of Individuals With -- Vocational and Technical Education -- History Of -- Current Trends -- Preparation of Teachers -- International Context -- Vocational School Fallacy -- Volunteer Work -- Vygotsky, Lev -- Waller, Willard W. -- Washburne, Carleton -- Washington, Booker T. -- Watson, John B. -- Webster, Noah -- Welfare Reform -- Effects On Families and Children -- Moving Mothers From Welfare to Work -- Western Europe -- Whitehead, Alfred North -- White House Fellows -- Women's Studies -- Woodson, Carter Godwin -- Writing, Teaching Of -- Yale University -- Year-Round Education -- Young, Ella Flagg -- Youth Demographic Trends -- Youth Development Programs -- Youth Organizations -- American Field Service -- Big Brothers Big Sisters of America -- B'Nai B'Rith Youth Organization -- Boys and Girls Clubs of America -- Boys and Girls States -- Boy Scouts of America -- Camp Fire Usa -- Distributive Education Clubs of America -- Four-H Programs -- Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda -- Future Scientists and Engineers of America -- Girl Scouts of the Usa -- Hostelling International-American Youth Hostels -- National Forensic League -- National Future Farmers of America Organization -- Quill and Scroll -- Skillsusa-Vica -- Young Men's Christian Association -- Young Men's Hebrew Association and Young Women's Hebrew Association -- Young Women's Christian Association -- Zacharias, Jerrold -- Zirbes, Laura
Vol. 8. Appendices: -- Assessment and Achievement Tests -- State-by-State Directory of Departments of Education -- Court Cases, Legislation, and International Agreements -- Internet Resources -- Bibliography -- Outline of Contents
v. 1. A-Commerce -- volume 2. Common-E -- volume 3. F-H -- volume 4. I-L -- volume 5. M-P -- volume 6. R-State -- volume 7. States-Z -- volume 8. Appendixes. Index
Summary Publisher's description: This fully-revised second edition offers a complete view of the institutions, people, processes, roles and philosophies found in educational practice in the United States and throughout the world. Features include 121 biographies of influential educators; profiles of historic colleges and universities; profiles of organizations active in the field; and an appendix of full text primary source documents including education related legislation, international treaties and testing methods
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Education.
Education -- Encyclopedias.
EDUCATION -- Essays.
EDUCATION -- Organizations & Institutions.
EDUCATION -- Reference.
Genre/Form Encyclopedia.
Encyclopédie (Descripteur de forme)
Form Electronic book
Author Guthrie, James W.
ISBN 0028658825