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Title Encyclopedia of ethics / Lawrence C. Becker and Charlotte B. Becker, editors
Edition 2nd ed
Published New York : Routledge, 2001


Description 1 online resource (3 volumes (xxxv, 1977 pages))
Contents Abelard, Peter (1079-1142) -- abortion -- absurd, the -- academic ethics -- academic freedom -- action -- acts and omissions -- additivity problems -- Adler, Felix (1851-1933) -- aesthetics -- Africa -- agency and disability -- agent-centered morality -- agnosticism -- agricultural ethics -- Alan Donagan (1925-1991) -- alienation -- altruism -- American moral philosophy -- amnesty and pardon -- analogical argument -- analytic philosophy and ethics -- anger -- animals, treatment of -- Anscombe, G[ertrude] E[lizabeth] M[argaret] (1919-2001) -- Anselm, Saint (1033-1109) -- anthropology -- applied ethics -- Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975) -- Aristotelian ethics -- Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) -- atheism -- Augustine, Saint (354-430) -- authenticity -- authority -- autonomy of ethics -- autonomy of moral agents -- Avicenna [Ibn Sīnā] (980-1037) -- Ayer, A[lfred] J[ules] (1910-1989) -- bad faith -- Baier, Kurt E.M. (1917- )
Balguy, John (1686-1748) -- bargaining -- Barry, Brian (M.) -- Beccaria, Cesare [Bonesana] Marchesi di (1738-1794) -- beneficence -- benevolence -- Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832) -- bioethics -- biological theory -- blackmail -- Bradley, F[rancis] H[erbert] (1846-1924) -- Brandt, Richard B. (1910-1997) -- Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838-1917) -- bribery -- Buber, [Mordekhai] Martin (1878-1965) -- Buddha (6th century B.C.E.) -- Buddhist ethics -- Burke, Edmund (1729-1797) -- business ethics -- Butler, Joseph (1692-1752) -- Calvin, John (1509-1564) -- Cambridge Platonists -- Camus, Albert (1913-1960) -- capital punishment -- care -- casuistry -- categorical and hypothetical imperatives -- causation and responsibility -- censorship -- character -- charity -- Charles, Darwin (1809-1882) -- cheating -- children and ethical theory -- China -- Christian ethics -- Chu, Hsi (1130-1200) -- Chuang, Tzu (fourth century B.C.E.) (1509-1564)
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B.C.E.) -- civic good and virtue -- civil disobedience -- civil rights and civic duties -- civility -- Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729) -- coercion -- cognitive science -- coherentism -- collective responsibility -- commensurability -- common good -- common sense moralists -- communitarianism -- comparative ethics -- competition -- compromise -- computers -- Confucian ethics -- Confucius (fifth-sixth century B.C.E.) -- conscience -- consent -- consequentialism -- conservation ethics -- conservatism -- constructivism -- contractarianism -- contracts -- conventions -- cooperation, conflict, and coordination -- cooperative surplus -- correctional ethics -- corruption -- cosmopolitan ethics -- cost-benefit analysis -- courage -- cradle arguments -- critical theory -- cruelty -- Crusius, Christian August (c.1715-1775) -- Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688) -- cultural studies -- Cumberland, Richard (1632-1718)
Cynics -- Cyrenaics -- David, Hume (1711-1776) -- de Beauvoir, Simone (1908-1986) -- death -- deceit -- deliberation and choice -- democracy -- Democritus (c. 460-c. 370 B.C.E.) -- deontology -- desert -- deterrence, threats and retaliation -- dignity -- dirty hands -- discounting the future -- discrimination -- double effect -- duty and obligation -- economic analysis -- economic systems -- Edmund Husserl, [Gustav Albrecht] (1859-1938) -- egoism -- elite, concept of -- Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) -- emotion -- emotivism -- engineering ethics -- entitlements -- environmental ethics -- envy -- Epictetus (c. 55 -- c. 135) -- Epicureanism -- Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.) -- equality -- ethics and morality -- etiquette -- eudaimonia, eudaimonism -- euthanasia -- evil -- evolution -- excellence -- excuses -- existential ethics -- exploitation -- externalism and internalism -- fairness -- family -- Fārābī, al- (870-950)
fate and fatalism -- feminist ethics -- Fichte, Gottlieb Johann (1762-1814) -- fidelity -- fiduciary relationships -- final good -- fittingness -- Foot, Philippa (1920- ) -- forgery -- forgiveness -- formalism -- forms of consciousness -- Foucault, Michel (1926-1984) -- Francis, Hutcheson (1694-1746) -- Francois, Fenelon (1651-1715) -- Frankena, KlaasWilliam (1908-1994) -- Frederick, Engels (1820-1895) -- free will -- freedom and determinism -- freedom of the press -- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) -- friendship -- Fuller, Lon Luvois (1902-1978) -- future generations -- Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1900- ) -- game theory -- Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948) -- Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655) -- gay ethics -- generosity -- genetic engineering -- genocide -- G[eorge] E[dward] Moore (1873-1958) -- Gert, Bernard (1934- ) -- Gewirth, Alan (1912- ) -- Godwin, William (1756-1836) -- golden rule -- good, theories of the
government, ethics in -- gratitude -- Green, Thomas Hill (1836-1882) -- Grotius, Hugo [or, Huig de Groot] (1583-1645) -- groups, moral status of -- guilt and shame -- Habermas, Jürgen (1929- ) -- happiness -- Hare, M[ervyn]R[ichard] (1919- ) -- harm and offense -- Hart, H.L.A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus) (1907-1992) -- Hartmann, Nicolai (1882-1950) -- hate -- hedonism -- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831) -- Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976) -- Hindu ethics -- historiography -- history of Western ethics -- history of Western ethics: 01. Presocratic Greek -- history of Western ethics: 02. Classical Greek -- history of Western ethics: 03. Hellenistic -- history of Western ethics: 04. Roman -- history of Western ethics: 05. Early Medieval -- history of Western ethics: 06. Later Medieval -- history of Western ethics: 07. Renaissance -- history of Western ethics: 08. seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
history of Western ethics: 09. nineteenth-century British -- history of Western ethics: 10. nineteenth-century Continental -- history of Western ethics: 11. twentieth-century Continental -- history of Western ethics: 12. twentieth-century Anglo-American -- Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d' (1723-1789) -- Holocaust -- homicide -- homosexuality -- honor -- hope -- Hsün Tzu third century B.C.E.) -- human rights -- humanism -- humility -- hypocrisy -- Ibn Tufayl (1110-1185) -- ideal observer -- idealist ethics -- idealized agents -- immoralism -- impartiality -- India -- individualism -- inequality -- infanticide -- innocence -- institutions -- integrity -- intention -- interests -- international justice: conflict -- international justice: distribution -- intransitivity -- intuitionism -- Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) -- Islam -- Islamic business ethics -- Islamic ethics -- Islamic medical ethics
Jainism -- James Mill (1773-1836) -- James, William (1842-1910) -- Japan -- Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) -- Jesus of Nazareth (c. 4 B.C.E.--C.E. 27) -- Jewish ethics -- John Dewey (1859-1952) -- John, Duns Scotus (c. 1266-1308) -- Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) -- journalism -- justice, circumstances of -- justice, distributive -- justice, rectificatory -- Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) -- Kantian ethics -- karma -- Kierkegaard, Søren [Aabye] (1813-1855) -- killing and letting die -- King, Martin Luther Jr. (1929-1968) -- land ethics -- Lao Tzu (dates uncertain) -- legal ethics -- legal philosophy -- legitimacy -- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716) -- Leopold, Aldo (1887-1948) -- lesbian ethics -- Levinas, Emmanuel (1906-1995) -- Lewis, Clarence Irving (1883-1964) -- liberalism -- libertarianism -- liberty -- liberty, economic -- library and information professions -- life and death
life, meaning of -- life, right to -- literature and ethics -- Locke, John (1632-1704) -- logic and ethics -- love -- loyalty -- Lucretius, [Titus Lucretius Carus] (c. 95-c. 55 B.C.E.) -- Ludwig Feuerbach [Andreas] (1804-1872) -- Luther, Martin (1483-1546) -- MacIntyre, Alasdair C (1926- ) -- Malebranche, Nicolas (1638-1715) -- Mandeville, Bernard (1670-1733) -- Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome (121-180) -- Marx, Karl [Heinrich] (1818-1883) -- Marxism -- mass media -- materialism -- Mead, George Herbert (1863-1931) -- medical ethics -- medical ethics, historical -- Mencius (c. 371 -c. 289 B.C.E.) -- mercy -- merit and desert -- metaethics -- metaphysics and epistemology -- military ethics -- Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) -- Mo Tzu (fourth century B.C.E.) -- Montaigne, Michel [Eyquem] de (1533-1592) -- Montesquieu [Charles-Louis de Secondat] baron de (1689-1755) -- moral absolutes
moral attention -- moral community, boundaries of -- moral development -- moral dilemmas -- moral education -- moral imagination -- moral luck -- moral perception -- moral pluralism -- moral point of view -- moral psychology -- moral purity -- moral realism -- moral reasoning -- moral relativism -- moral rules -- moral saints -- moral sense theorists -- moral terms -- mortality -- Moses Maimonides (1138-1204) -- motives -- multiculturalism -- Murphy, Arthur Edward (1901-1962) -- mysticism -- Nāgārjuna (c. 113-213) -- narrative ethics -- natural law -- naturalism -- naturalistic fallacy -- nature and ethics -- needs -- negligence -- neo-Kantian ethics -- neo-Stoicism -- neutral principles -- Niccolò Machiavelli [di Bernardo dei] (1469-1527) -- nihilism -- norms -- Nozick, Robert (1938- ) -- nuclear ethics -- nursing ethics -- Obedience to Law -- Objectivism -- Oppression -- Organic Unity -- Ought Implies can -- pacifism
pain and suffering -- Paine, Thomas [Tom] (1737-1809) -- Paley, [variant: Payley] William (1743-1805) -- partiality -- Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662) -- Passion -- paternalism -- Paul, the Apostle, Saint (C.E.5-67?) -- Peirce, C[harles] S[anders] (1839-1914) -- perfectionism -- Perry, R[alph] B[arton] 1876-1957) -- person, concept of -- personal relationships -- persuasive definition -- phenomenology -- philosophical anthropology -- philosophy of religion -- phronesis -- plagiarism -- Plato (c. 430-347 B.C.E.) -- pleasure -- Plotinus 205-270) -- police ethics -- political correctness -- political systems, evaluation of -- pornography -- possibilism -- postmodernism -- power -- practical reason[ing] -- practical wisdom -- pragmatism -- praxis -- precedent -- prescriptivism -- Price, Richard (1723-1791) -- Prichard, H.A. (Harold Arthur) (1871-1947) -- pride -- principlism -- privacy -- professional ethics -- promises -- property
proportionality -- Protagoras of Abdera (c. 490-c. 421 B.C.E.) -- prudence -- psychoanalysis -- psychology -- public and private morality -- public goods -- public health policy -- public policy -- public policy analysis -- Pufendorf, Samuel Freiherr von (1632-1694) -- punishment -- puritanism -- Racism and Related Issues -- Racism, Concepts Of -- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) -- Rand, Ayn (1905-1982) -- Rape -- Rational Choice -- Rationality vs. Reasonableness -- Rawls, John (1921- ) -- reason[ing] -- Reasons for Action -- Reciprocity -- Reflective Equilibrium -- Reid, Thomas (1710-1796) -- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) -- Religion -- René Descartes (1596-1650) -- Reproductive Technologies -- Resentment -- Responsibility -- Revenge -- Revolution -- Ricoeur, Paul (1913- ) -- Right, Concepts of -- Right Holders -- Rights -- Risk -- Risk Analysis -- Risk Aversion -- Ronald Dworkin (1931- ) -- Ross, W[illiam] D[avid] (1877-1971)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) -- Royce, Josiah (1855-1916) -- Russell, Bertrand [Arthur William] (1872-1970) -- Santayana, George (1863-1952) -- Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980) -- Scheler, Max [Ferdinand] (1874-1928) -- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854) -- Schiller, [Johann Christoph] Friedrich von (1759-1805) -- Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860) -- Schweitzer, Albert (1875-1965) -- secrecy and confidentiality -- self and social self -- self-control -- self-deception -- self-defense -- self-esteem -- self-knowledge -- self-ownership -- self-respect -- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ["the Younger"] (c. 4 B.C.E.-65 C.E.) -- sexual abuse and harassment -- sexuality and sexual ethics -- Shaftesbury, [Anthony Ashley Cooper] 3rd Earl of (1671-1713) -- Shī'ism -- Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900) -- Singer, Marcus G. (1926- ) -- situation ethics -- skepticism in ancient ethics -- skepticism in ethics -- slavery -- slippery slope arguments
Smith, Adam (1723-1790) -- social and political philosophy -- social contract -- social psychology -- sociology -- Socrates (c. 470-399 B.C.E.) -- Sophists -- Soviet Ethical Theory -- Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) -- Spinoza, Baruch de (1632-1677) -- sport -- Stael, Madame de (1766-1817) -- stakeholder analysis -- Stevenson, Charles L[eslie] (1908-1979) -- Stewart, Dugald (1753-1828) -- Stoicism -- strategic interaction -- Suarez, Francisco (1548-1617) -- subjectivism -- suicide -- Sunnīsm -- supererogation -- sympathy -- Taoist Ethics -- Taylor, Charles (1931- ) -- Technology -- Technology and Nature -- Teleological Ethics -- Temperance -- Terrorism -- Theism -- Theological Ethics -- Theory and Practice -- Thomas, Aquinas Saint (1225-1274) -- Thomas, Hobbes (1588-1679) -- Thomasius, Christian (1655-1728) -- Thomson, Judith Jarvis (1929- ) -- Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) -- Toleration -- Torture -- Tragedy
Transcendentalism -- Trust -- Tufts, James Hayden (1862-1942) -- Universalizability -- Utilitarianism -- value, concept of -- value, theory of -- violence and non-violence -- virtue ethics -- virtues -- Vitoria, Francisco de (1486-1546) -- Voltaire, [Francois-Marie Arouet de] (1694-1778) -- voluntarism -- voluntary acts -- Walzer, Michael (1935- ) -- Wang Yang-ming (1472-1529) -- War and Peace -- Weakness of Will -- Weber, Max (1864-1920) -- Weil, Simone (1909-1943) -- Welfare Rights and Social Policy -- Westermarck, Edward [Alexander] (1862-1939) -- Whewell, William (1794-1866) -- Wickedness -- William of Ockham (c. 1285-1347) -- Williams, Bernard (Arthur Owen) (1929- ) -- Wisdom -- Wittgenstein, Ludwig [Josef Johann] (1889-1951) -- Wittgensteinian ethics -- Wolff, Christian (1679-1754) -- Wollaston, William (1660-1724) -- Wollstonecraft, [Godwin] Mary (1759-1797) -- Women Moral Philosophers -- Work
Summary A revised, expanded and updated edition with contributions by 325 renowned authorities in the field of ethics. All of the original articles have been newly peer-reviewed and revised, bibliographies have been updated throughout, and the overall design of the work has been enhanced for easier access to cross-references and other reference features
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
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Subject Ethics -- Encyclopedias
Ethics, Medical
Genre/Form Electronic books
Reference works
Reference works.
Ouvrages de référence.
Form Electronic book
Author Becker, Lawrence C.
Becker, Charlotte B., 1944-
ISBN 9780203952948
Other Titles Available from some providers with title: Credo Reference