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Book Cover
Author McEvoy, Joanne, author.

Title Power-sharing executives : governing in Bosnia, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland / Joanne McEvoy
Published Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015


Description 1 online resource (288 pages)
Series National and Ethnic Conflict in the 21st Century
National and ethnic conflict in the 21st century.
Contents Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; 1. Power Sharing, Institutional Design, and External Actors; PART I. NORTHERN IRELAND; 2. The Sunningdale Executive: Lessons from Failed Power Sharing; 3. The Good Friday Agreement 1998: An Inclusive Coalition; 4. The 2007-11 Executive: A New Era in Northern Ireland Politics?; PART II. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA; 5. Power-Sharing Stalemate in Post-Dayton Bosnia; 6. From Dayton to Brussels?; PART III. MACEDONIA; 7. Macedonia: From Independence to the Ohrid Framework Agreement; 8. Toward a Binational Macedonia?; Conclusion; Notes; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I
JK; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Z; Acknowledgments
Summary Based on interviews with power-sharing executives and external actors in Bosnia, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland, this in-depth study explores the challenges of promoting cooperation and accommodation between elites representing contending groups in deeply divided places
Analysis Political Science
Public Policy
Notes Includes index
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes In English
Print version record
In Title is part of the collection: De Gruyter Rights, Action, and Social Responsibility
Subject Representative government and representation -- Case studies
Minorities -- Political activity -- Case studies
Ethnic groups -- Political activity -- Case studies
Ethnic conflict -- Political aspects -- Case studies
Cultural pluralism -- Political aspects -- Case studies
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Political Process -- General.
Politics and government
Ethnic conflict -- Political aspects
Ethnic groups -- Political activity
Minorities -- Political activity
Representative government and representation
Ethnische Beziehungen
Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Politics and government.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Genre/Form Case studies
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9780812290264