GENERAL INTRODUCTION; ABBREVIATIONS; PRINCIPLES; Nucleic Acids; General Principles; TISSUE PREPARATION; Sampling; Fixation; Embedding; Sections; Adhesion of Sections; Deparaffining and Hydration; Collodioning; Smears; Cell Cultures; STAINING; Nuclear Dyes; Methods Used to Increase Contrast; HISTOCHEMICAL METHODS; General Methods; Basophilic Reactions; Feulgen and Rossenbeck Nuclear Reaction; Other Reactions; FLUORESCENT METHODS; Fluorescent Methods; Staining Methods; OBSERVATION PHASES; Mounting; Photonic Microscope; PREPARATION OF PRODUCTS; Fixatives; Dyes; Alcohol Dilutions; PROTOCOLS; Introduction; Fixation of Organs for Nucleic Acid Visualization; Staining; EXAMPLES OF STAINING METHODS; GLOSSARY; INDEX
"Genome Visualization by Classic Methods in Light Microscopy covers the classic techniques used to visualize nucleic acids with the use of light microscopy. The book discusses the chemical structure of nucleic acids, general principles of staining, nuclear dyes, and histochemical methods. In addition, the book addresses issues pertaining to frozen sections, smears and quantitative analysis. Each chapter features the different methods of staining along with the relevant principles and protocols." "To facilitate the presentation of the practical and theoretical aspects, Genome Visualization by Classic Methods in Light Microscopy places them side by side in a convenient two-column format. The author also takes advantage of this format to provide valuable commentaries at each stage of the visualization process. The techniques described are general, and this feature renders the materials adaptable to all users of microscopic visualization of nucleic acids."--Jacket