1. Introduction -- 2. Materials and methods -- 3. The physical environment of Port Phillip Bay -- 4. Port Phillip Bay: biology, habitats and disturbance history -- 5. Vectors, shipping and trade -- 6. A review of the occurrence of exotic macroalgae in southern Australia, with emphasis on Port Phillip Bay, Victoria -- 7. Review of hydroids introduced to Victorian waters -- 8. Annelida: polychaeta of Port Phillip Bay -- 9. The introduced mollusca of Port Phillip Bay -- 10. Soft sediment crustacea of Port Phillip Bay -- 11. Echinodermata of Port Phillip Bay: introduced species -- 12. Occurrence and distribution of exotic fishes in Port Phillip Bay -- 13. Introduced fouling species in Port Phillip Bay -- 14. Exotic marine pests in the port of Geelong, Victoria -- 15. A bay-wide survey for introduced species in Port Phillip Bay 1995-1996 -- 16. Impacts of some introduced marine species found in Port Phillip Bay -- 17. Introduced marine species and nitrogen cycling in Port Phillip Bay -- 18. Synthesis: introduced and cryptogenic species in Port Phillip Bay
Port Phillip Bay has been a focus for shipping activity since the mid-1800's and is currently a major shipping destination. This book provides a detailed analysis of organisms in Port Philip Bay, using reviews of historical information and new surveys