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Title Food
Published Sydney : NSW Dept. of School Education, Learning Materials Production Centre, 1993


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 ADPML SPTXT  507 Men/Cew  Stage.1-3  LIB USE ONLY
Description 1 title sheet, 3 booklets, on 1 side each of 2 audiocassettes, 1 blackline master (double-sided)
Series Close encounters with science and technology K-6
Close encounters with science and technology K-6
Contents Stage 1. Zoo food (1 booklet, 1 sound cassette, 1 blackline master) -- Stage 2. What rot? (1 booklet) --Stage 3. Bush tucker (1 booklet + 1 sound cassette)
Summary Provides Primary school teachers with teaching & learning materials presented as a structured sequence of activies which involve investigating, designing making & appraising
Notes In 1 plastic envelope
Written By Sally Mendel et al -- verso title sheet
Each booklet contains student activities previously published as a seperate booklet of the same title by the Learning Materials Production Centre, 1993
"P/N 6121"
Restricted Mediated access: access to First Nations materials may be restricted while an audit, reparative description and reclassification of these materials is in progress VDU
Subject Food of animal origin -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Zoo animals -- Nutritional aspects -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Diet -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Compost -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Wild foods -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Australia.
Aboriginal Australians -- Food -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Science -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Genre/Form Australian school textbook collection.
Author Mendel, Sally
New South Wales. Department of School Education. Learning Materials Production Centre
Other Titles Food
Zoo food
What rot?
Bush tucker