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Book Cover

Title Bulletin of prosthetics research
Published Washington, D.C. : Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, Veterans Administration : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1964-1982
BPR 10-1 (spring 1964)-BPR 10-37 (spring 1982)

Location:W'PONDS FICHE  617.3 Bul 
Issues held:, (1975)Index;No.25(1976)-(1982)

Location:W'PONDS MFILM  617.3 Bul 
Issues held:, (1974),


Description volumes : illustrations ; 23-28 cm
Later Title Journal of rehabilitation R&D.
Notes Vols. for 1964- edited by the Research and Development Division, Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service, Veterans Administration
Numbering Vol. numbering began with v. 16, no. 2, fall 1979
Issues for <spring 1980>-spring 1982 called also <v. 17, no. 1>-v. 19, no. 1
Notes Available on microfilm from University Microfilms
Has Indexes Complete title, subject, and author index published on a 5-issue and 10-issue basis
Issuing Body Vols. for spring 1964-spring 1973 issued by: Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service; fall 1973-fall 1977 by: Research Center for Prosthetics; spring 1978- by: Rehabilitative Engineering Research and Development Service
Subject Prosthesis -- Research -- United States -- Periodicals.
Prosthesis -- Periodicals.
Prostheses and Implants.
Genre/Form Periodical.
Author United States. Veterans Administration. Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service.
Research Center for Prosthetics (U.S.)
United States. Veterans Administration. Rehabilitative Engineering Research and Development Service.
LC no. 66060273 sn 84011428
ISSN 0007-506X
ABBREV TI Bull. prosthet. res
OTHER TI Bulletin of prosthetics research