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Author Rhode, Gotthold, editor

Title The genesis of the Oder-Neisse line in the diplomatic negotiations during World War II : sources and documents / compiled and edited by Gotthold Rhode and Wolfgang Wagner
Published Stuttgart : Brentano-Verlag, 1959


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS  940.5314 Gen  AVAILABLE
Description xxxi, 287 pages : folded maps. ; 24 cm
regular print
Notes "The texts of treaties, agreements, and notes are ... given as completely as possible in the original language as well as in the English translation."
Translation of Quellen zur Entstehung der Oder-Neisse-Linie in den diplomatischen Verhandlungen wahrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges
Subject World War, 1939-1945 -- Territorial questions -- Poland.
Germany -- Boundaries -- Poland.
Oder-Neisse Line (Germany and Poland)
Poland -- Boundaries -- Germany.
Western and Northern Territories (Poland)
Author Rhode, Gotthold.
Wagner, Wolfgang.
LC no. 60000569